Topography deals with the graphic and numerical description of all the characteristics of the terrain and their representation in maps with precise geometric content that allows their measurement. In particular, G.B. & Partners S.r.l. deals with:
- Plano-altimetric trackings (by means of total station tachymeter or GPS)
- Plano-altimetric surveys for Land Registry purposes (with support from Italian Fiducial Points)
- Plano-altimetric surveys of building elevations
- Measurement surveys of “interiors”, reconstruction, and verification
- Aerial photogrammetric surveys using an Aircraft Systems or Drones
A topographic survey is a measurement that aims to collect detailed information for the creation of a cartographic representation. When a survey is carried out, existing elements on the earth’s surface are measured in order to record them and subsequently draw plans or cartographic representations of them in order to study and plan construction projects.
The surveys can also be done using drones that allow for a modern, manageable, and much more precise technology. Drones are equipped with high-resolution cameras that can take images related to geolocation. The presence of the GPS allows a complete mapping of the land framed. Different types of drone surveys are possible such as: thermographic surveys, photogrammetry and land registry surveys, agricultural footage.